Media CenterPope Francis on Impact Investing

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As the 2016 Impact Investing conference comes to a close at the Vatican, Pope Francis mentioned the value of impact investing in his Angelus message in St. Peter's Square this morning, stating that private investments, together with public ones, can help overcome the poverty of so many marginalized people.

The conference, entitled Making the Year of Mercy a Year of Impact for the Poor, was hosted by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and Catholic Relief Services. It brought together impact investing experts and Catholic leaders from around the world to explore how the Catholic Church and other faith-based institutions can harness the power of impact capital to attain and sustain their social mission. Read more about the conference in these media articles.

Media Articles about the 2016 Impact Investing Conference

Jim Stipe

Digital and Social Media Manager

Jim Stipe
June 29, 2016

Based in Baltimore, MD

As the digital and social media manager, Jim oversees Catholic Relief Services’ social media channels, shoots photos and video, and uses digital and visual tools for creative storytelling. He also manages the CRS Newswire, which provides a range of information related to poverty and development....More